Saturday, May 15, 2010

Maid of honor issue?

My maid of honor wants to put together a memory book for my FH and I , she wants baby pictures of us and she wants to take pictures through out the whole thing and choose what photos to put in the book .

well she has horriable taste in photo's she posted some photos of my FH and I on the internet that we so horriable he called her and asked her to take them down ...

our families don't want to give old photos to her since she is not family.

I sent her an email explaining how the family felt about this, and we would love a book.. but we should be allowed to choose what photos are special to us not left to another person interpertation of what is special. and putting a memory book is something that is special to the bride and groom and direct family.

But i told her I would love a book to put photos in with maybe a special poem from her. I explained she is a great help and a good friend but this not really her place to do this.

is this offensive to tell her that.

Maid of honor issue?
I'd give her copies of the pictures, but not the originals. But let her make the album how she chooses. She wants to make it for you so she can give you a sentimental gift, she isn't just your personal biographer. If you later want to make an album with your new groom then by all means do so, but don't turn your nose up at your friends heartfelt gesture.
Reply:You certainly have a right to have control over what she uses. Most especially since you already know she uses poor taste and judgment.

I personally would not give out my family's photos and trust them to be safe. I might volunteer to have some copies made myself, but those are family treasures and can't be replaced.

Besides all that, if she is "gutsy" enough to be so forward and inappropriate to you, she should certainly be able to accept your answering the way you did. Like "Thanks, but no,Thanks. We appreciate your kind gesture and thought though."

No, you did nothing to offend her.
Reply:No, you are just being honest with her and if she is your friend she will understand.
Reply:Tina it sounds like she wants to something meaningful for both of you but doesn't know what's appropriate and what's not, especially when she posts photos of you and your man on the net. I agree that what she thinks are good photos are not necessarily the ones that are meaningful to each of you.

You're absolutely spot on in not giving old family photos to a third party, no matter how close a friend they are.

Your idea of an empty album for you to fill is excellent! Older photos of the two of you growing up paired with similar photos as adults is such a great idea and one I'll use when my sons marry (if you don't mind me copying).

I don't know if I'd like a poem written by a person other than me or my beloved in it though. It's a hard one Tina.

It's not offensive to tell her the book is something you want to do yourselves. Surely if you are as intelligent as you sound, you have good judgement in character and your friend will not be so insensitive as to be offended by your wishes. She'll probably be relieved because it sounds like a lot of work!

Best wishes.
Reply:Here's an idea, the printers today can print almost exact copies of pictures. Perhaps you can make some reprinted copies of old pictures then the orginals won't get damaged and she can cut and paste them in a scrap book all she wants.

As for your dilema of being offensive you are not. Those photos are yours and your families memories and you all have every right to protect them. That is why I suggested the idea of making some copies of them.

And if she wants to make you a memory book I think it is a cute and very thoughtful of her.

Crooked Teeth

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