Saturday, May 15, 2010

5 month old golden retriever, is this agression?

my 5 month golden retriever always bark at our maid.. and he doesn't stop! he even tried to bite our maid when she start to pet him..

everytime our maid tries to play with him (like fetch) in the end, he will start to bite her.. but when i play with him, he doesn't bite or bark..

another thing.. he barks when he saw strangers! i socialized him when he was still 7 weeks old..

5 month old golden retriever, is this agression?
yes that is aggression. In general dogs have one leader and the rest fall into line. He understands that you are on top, but it seems like he falls next in line to everyone else, he should actually be at the very bottom.

Now you say you are socializing him but how are you doing it? because you may just not be doing it right.

and heres the big question and i'm NOT insulting you but you really need to think about it. She is your maid, meaning that she works for you and is ( in the dog world) lower then you are. How are you treating her, yes you may treat her well and not boss her around but its your BODY LANGUAGE and energy that you are giving off that is letting the dog know something about her. I woud suggest dog training classes. VERY HELPFUL! please please just do that, in 5-8 weeks you will have a 180 of a dog.

lastly, are you correcting this type of behavior, if he won't stop make him stop, every time he barks at her, take him away put him in a sit stay and keep trying over and over again until he realizes that he can't bark because if he does, then he can't do anything but sit there. there are other ways as well. and to top it off hes a puppy!

OH and walk your dog, ALOT! a tired dog is a good dog!
Reply:Whoa!!! How does he behave with your gardener and the butler? Is he nicer to your cook and chauffeur.

Perhaps your dog just dislikes lower classes??
Reply:he could just be defending his territory or you maybe but some dogs just never like or listen to certain people try to tell him or make him understand that you are okay with the maid and he doesn't need to protect you because of the maid

like my aunt's dog just never liked my grandma and would always bark at her no matter what we tried so yeah haha
Reply:Golden retrievers tend to be mouthy, but not really bit. It might just be that he is trying to lead her somewhere or take her somewhere. If he is really biting to hurt you need to teach the puppy that it is NOT okay to bite. I would suggest obedience training because that will help with everything.
Reply:OMG! u have a maid? u must be rich!, no, u need to just get ur widdle pup use to ur maid cuz he's defending ur home, thats what u WANT him to do! but u HAVE 2 introduse , ur pup and maid and any one else the enters ur home, so he knows that u know that person and its safe,

Reply:That sounds very aggressive- strange for a golden. If he tried to bite her, you should hire someone to try and train him. That is scary.
Reply:the dog seances some thing.or the dog dislike her, stop play with him. also one in the house Hall must be the litter. do not led the dog be the litter in the house. he will try, but you do not give the opportunity to be so.
Reply:How did you socialize him? Socialize with other dogs? Or around people? You might want to check into a training class. He might be over protective.....could be aggressive behavior. However, if you want to try at home to break the habit.....

One idea is to get a kennel and when the aggressive behaviors start, give him a time out in the kennel. (I recently had to start that with a 2 yr old dog and I have already seen improvement). A muzzle as a time out is another way. When the biting starts, get the muzzle and put it on for 5-10 minutes while telling him "NO". After a while, he will get the idea and all you will have to do is say the word "muzzle" and he will back off. If you are out walking him, take the muzzle with you. Another option is to get one of those citronella collars or no bark collars. With the citronella ones, when a dog barks, it releases a mist of the citronella. My vet's receptionist used it for her beagle/hound mix and swore by it!

You need to show that it isn't acceptable behavior by doing something that shows you mean it (kennel/muzzle). But don't waver on it......if you start to show that....keep at it....don't ever let him get away with it for any reason.

The issue with your maid? Any chance she plays harder with him or is 'mean' to him and he doesn't like her? Don't let her try the corrective behaviors. If he is already agressive with her, it could mean the difference between just barking and actually biting to the point of an emergency room visit.
Reply:hes 5 months old =)

he just wants to play.

he takes biting like a game. hes not agressive with intention.

try to look sad or a little bit angry when he does it. then he will learn that he doesnt have to bite. dont hurt him. he will assimilate even more agression
Reply:He may be fearful and barking is his way of telling people to back off. When they don't (as when your maid continues to approach him and tries to pet him), he does the only thing left he knows how to do to defend himself - he bites. It's your job to protect him from people who aren't listening to his signals. If he only bites when people have crossed the line with him, he is behaving as any dog would. Please try to educate yourself more about dog communication and fearful dogs so that you can read your dog's body language and step in to protect him when necessary. These websites might help to start you off (fearfuldogs. com) and

The fearful dogs site is an excellent source for other links, books to read and general information about fearful dogs.

Link isn't working? try this:
Reply:Sounds like he needs a little more socialization - golden retrievers are usually pretty mild mannered dogs.

He may just not like the maid.
Reply:Yes, Yes it is!
Reply:he is a family dog and is protecting u.becareful or u might have a dog bite lawsuit if he gets to the point where he doesn't want strangers around. buy a muzzel so u can use it when he acts up. he is loyal to u so it is normal for him to guard u and ur famliy members.
Reply:dogs know when some ppl r bad and i think that ur dog is trying to tell u something!

Good Luck
Reply:Your dog might benefit from doggie school. Mine barks at my husband and at strangers. (He gets that mohawk at strangers but not my husband). One thing I figured out (don't know if you want to do this with your maid) is that i sit down and interact in a friendly way with my husband and our dog calms down... with strangers /friends I tell him "someone is here" I think if he doesn't expect someone he goes into protect mode.
Reply:Sounds like he's being protective of his family and don't see your maid as part of it.

Need a bit more info to determine whether it's true aggression or just over boisterous play.

For now, it sounds like he needs to build his confidence around strangers, starting with your maid. Ask her to completely ignore him for now, and definately no eye contact, especially if he barks and eye contact can be interpreted as a challenge.

When he is in a calm mood around her, arm her with treats and let him come to her slowly, if he behaves gentle, then he gets a treat.

If he ever tries to bite her, tell her to stand up, fold her arms, turn her back and walk away. Most important is for her not to feel fearful, i know that's harder in practice but it is vital because dogs can feed off fear to fuel aggression and they can sense it a mile off. Always ask her to move calmly around him, no sudden moves or noises.

With strangers, ask them not to pet him or look at him. He will soon learn there is nothing to fear when no one is reaching out to him with their hands. After he feels more comfortable, then strangers can offer him a hand to sniff and a treat.

Bearing all this in mind, remember it is your job to properly train your dog so in the middle of all this must be yourself, correcting and rewarding behaviour appropriately and act as someone your dog can respect.

Hope that helps!
Reply:You can fix this behavior. Always with animals you have to change YOUR behavior first, then the animal will learn.

Don't try to force the maid or anyone close to him when he's barking or resisting. He's probably frightened and that's what's bringing on the biting. Forcing him close makes him more frightened.

Make absolutely sure you're not rewarding him for bad behavior by petting him or giving him extra attention when he's acting up. Often we inadvertantly do this. The dog barks or lunges and we grab him and pet trying to calm the dog, but this sends the wrong message. When he does the behavior you don't want, tell him sharply, "No!" and then put him in his cage or a seperate room and ignore him. This way he'll equate that behavior with rejection, and he'll eventually figure that out and stop the behavior.

When i have an animal that bites, even in play, I pinch them on the nose (causes pain but no injury), and then stop the game and ignore them. This has helped me bring around several animals so that they are no longer aggressive. One of them i took in when it was much worse than your dog. It may take several months, but probably less time for you since your dog is young. You want to correct this problem NOW so he doesn't get worse with age and more set in his ways. You must be consistent! Always say "No!" to unwanted behavior, and have a negative consequence.

Barking at doors is a different story. When someone comes to the door, grab the dog first, bring him away from the door and make him sit and be quiet. Praise him once he's quiet. "Good dog" and pet him. Tell him to stay. Then get the door. If you want to break him of this habit, you need to not open the door with him in sight of the door unless he's calm and quiet, so this also takes patience. If he doesn't quiet when you ask, then put him in his cage or in another room before opening the door.

Good luck!
Reply:u hav 2 hit him a little with ur hands( it wouldn't hurt) and say no!But don't try a shock collar(or anything harsh).If u do hurt him 2 much he will get scared of u and won't socialize with u anymore.maybe 5 months is a little hard 2 train so keep doing it.

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