Saturday, May 15, 2010

Skeptical Maid-of-Honor.?

I am a full-time working student and when my old friend from highschool who had two kids between her age of 18-20 'told' me I was the maid of honor for her budgeted wedding, I was a little excited. As it gets closer, I have seen the couple fight and the groom get socked in the face by my friend, mistreat eachother, and wonder if the money for the wedding could've been used on a down payment for a house so they could get their kids out of an apartment. I am supposed to be spending a lot of time and money here on my dress/presents. My question is, has anyone ever been in a wedding they felt the couple shouldn't be getting married, and were you part of it anyway?

Skeptical Maid-of-Honor.?
Yes. I was in my sister in laws wedding. Nobody thought they should marry, for the same reasons you state, abuse on both parts, money (they don't know how to manage it). I figure they are adults so they can do what they want to do. They have been married 3 years now. It's still the same with them, sometimes he stays at his moms. They still fight like cats and dogs, but only now they have 3 kids they can't afford. It's not really up to you to decide if they should marry, but if you feel like you are wasting your money on a dress and gift for a marriage that is already doomed, maybe tell her you can't afford to be in the wedding, but don't be surprised if she flips out on you for it. But it doesn't seem like you would be losing much of a friend. You two have grown apart. you chose different life paths. Not all friendships last forever, and that's OK.
Reply:i was but, we were very young. the bride was 17, i was 18. she was pregnant but i knew they shouldn't marry but i took part in it anyway. i was to young to know any different. if you aren't comfortable with this, take a bow and excuse yourself from your duties as m.o.h. no point in going trhough with it if you don't believe in it.
Reply:I think that you should politely bow out. It sounds like they are doomed but, you never know. Don't tell her that you feel her marriage is doomed as it doesn't seem that you are that close of a friend. I am surprised that she "told" you instead of asking you. Just explain to her your financial situation and tell her that you simply can't afford it.

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