Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is a woman who is 36, unmarried and childless considered an old maid in today's world?

naa as long as you feel young inside you will always be young

Is a woman who is 36, unmarried and childless considered an old maid in today's world?
Let get marry then. :P
Reply:I'm a forty-one year old single man. Rather than "old maid," I would use the term "potentially perfect."
Reply:Oh Please !!!!! Look around. There are lots of unmarried and highly successful women above 40. I have many single friends above that age, and mind you, I come from an Asian country. So, the answer is no, MISS probably just havent found the right person yet.....happens to lots of people. ......including me lol
Reply:Spinster is the better word.....anyway people brand them as "loser".
Reply:No...but in 4 years she will be. That's just how it is. It is stupid and I don't care and it might be me in that situation, but "f 'em"...over 40 is Old Maid I come...I have 10 years left until I'm there...
Reply:I know they're considered that among the Amish. I live right near Amish country.

I don't care if someone wants to be an old maid or not...believe it or not, the Bible says it's perfectly okay not to marry.
Reply:I think the larger question would be the circumstances with you staying single so long was. If you cannot keep a stable relationship after so many years, I would recomend seeking help. I am sure if you where to take the common denominator from all your relationships and its you, then you have problems staying in a relationship.

Now if you have taken time out of your life to secure your career and you are ready to start your married life with kids? Not at all.

Lastly, if you dont want kids and to be married, why are you asking this question?
Reply:She's considered as a get away from her sexual harassment suit for attention waiting to happen person.
Reply:What a load of rubbish! Its the 21st century!! Women are more career minded, are earning a lot more, having children later in life and also more couples are living together and deciding not to marry.

When you say unmarried, does that mean single or living with someone? Being married is no big deal nowaways, I have more friends living with someone than included. The expense, the stress and the families getting together for a punch up? No thanks! lol

Everyone should do what makes THEM happy and to anyone reading this who is 36, unmarried and childless and thinks they might be missing out? When you see your married mates, with their 2.4 kids driving them mad whilst you are going away for the weekend with your mates or a hot'll laugh!! A lot! :)
Reply:I think it will depend who you ask. And I think you should include asking people who consider other people for who they are, not just what they are.
Reply:no at all. todays world is different.
Reply:The terminology is archaic, and in academic, journalistic, and urban circles, women deny that there's anything wrong with going unmarried until 36. But out in the real world, it raises a red flag, at least in those countries where the institution of marriage hasn't been effectively destroyed yet. Certainly there are exceptions, but going unmarried so late does suggest a self-centeredness that prevented someone from having an intimate relationship worthy of commitment.

___This goes for men, too, by the way.

___If someone isn't sufficiently drawn to intimacy to get married when they're young, what kind of inner emotional life are they likely to have in middle age? People get more set in their ways as they age, and become less tolerant of life-changing events. One advantage to marrying while reasonably young is that both persons are more flexible, and, well, vulnerable, and can adapt to one another, and grow, if all goes well.

___Another advantage has to do with child-rearing. Parents who are older when they first confront the challenges of child-rearing are less open to the life-changing processses of being responsible for kids. Older parents are more likely to be "over-competent" in manipulating their children, and can be too invulnerable to them as persons to deal with them with some emotional authenticity and vulnerability. This might be "good" in terms of raising kids to fulfill one's visions for them, but it can make for more docile citizens who are less likely to be mensches in their own right. "Over-competent" parents are able to avoid true vulnerability with their kids, and if you give it some thought, being emotionally vulnerable to others is one of the most fundamental ways of demonstrating one's respect for them as persons of worth.

___Parenting manuals generally focus on the best ways to manipulate children to make them come out the way you want them, and to a large degree, this is a good thing. But it's not an absolute, and raising kids to be the subjects of the most-effective manipulations is to raise kids whose feistiness, creativity, and leadership skills will be compromised by conventionality. They will do just "fine" if the future turns out to be conventional and predictable.

___If you're dedicated to the career track, then be prepared to "marry down", and find a low-achieving, sensitive man who can stay at home with the kids.

___You could wait until your life is completely under control, if you're comfortable with examining your conscience late in life, and realizing that you've brought up kids to fulfill your own expectations, instead of theirs.
Reply:No, she's considered a hot older woman! Of course, it'd be even better if she had kids, 'cause then she'd be considered a MILF!
Reply:Hmmm, an old "maid". As oppossed to what, a younger "maid" (servant)? Perhaps todays women who are unmarried simply want to avoid maidhood and instead are more interested in love and companionship with an equal as oppossed to the type of men who would lable women in their 30's, as old "maids". It's simply an outdated and silly scare tactic to make women believe that they're of little value without a man. Any woman who believes this nonsense needs to dunk thier head in a big tub of ice cold water. Too funny.
Reply:no,sounds like a catch to me
Reply:Are you joking? The term oldmaid is about as outdated as it gets. Its acceptable for a woman to not marry if she so chooses, and at 36 yrs old most woman would be self confident enough to be happy with who they are, and not even consider such a thing!

And if a man were unmarried at 36 that would be fine. He would be given credit for establishing himself, or working on his career or what have you. But a woman, well theres just got to be something wrong with her if she's not married with a child or two. What bunk!
Reply:I'd screw the hell out of em.I'm 29.If they read this let's hook up.
Reply:Nowadays with technology and the lifespan being longer then it ever has been 36 is far from being considered over the hill. I disagree with the term old maid because I believe it to be one of the derogatory terms used to shame women into marrying and having children when they would have preferred to remain unmarried or to pursue a career. Both of which were considered, "abnormal" and not towing the line in our patriarchal society. As long as a woman was married she was under a males control. Until the turn of the century women were still considered property of first her father then passed on to a husband to control.
Reply:Honestly, I think it depends what she's doing with her life.
Reply:hello jenny, your life is your choice, your not a failure if havent got married or something, you dont have to follow the worlds way of doing thing, human has so many aspects, you dont have to be a nun to remain single too, my point is you dont have to wait for the world to tell you who you are, at the end of the day you have to live with yourself. so respect yourself and do things that seems fun to you
Reply:No, she's still very young, lol.

She could still have children. I don't think you're an old maid till you're about 45, when you generally can't have more children. My mum had my sister when she was 43.

I also don't think there really is the same "old maid" idea that there used to be. In the past marrying (youngish) and having children and raising them were considered every women's goal in life. Today it is much more acceptable to not have children, to be divorced, to be single, to be a career women etc. I don't think people label any of those people "old maid"s just because they are not young anymore. Its considered bad to be an "old maid", but its not really bad today, because being an "old maid" can be chosen in favour of a different lifestyle - not to have kids or marry (de facto or stay single) etc.
Reply:No i dont believe that she is...
Reply:nope, no one would notice unless you lived in a village in the sticks where everyone knows each other
Reply:"Old maid" is a term that died out with "biological clock" and "snaring a man." In my view, a woman who is 36, unmarried, and childless is . . . well, me, in 19 years. If she's made it this far without marrying, she can go her whole life that way.
Reply:Of course not...

Reply:As far as i'm concerned Deirdre, if there's anyone who feels

'under control" in a marriage is the man. As for the question, no, 36 is not old, then again, do what makes YOU happy not what feminists think, not what men think, nobody. For me, the best thing that came out of MY marriage were my children.
Reply:depends on where do you live. in western countries, a 36 years old unmarried woman is quite common. if you live in my country, the answer to this question is 'yes'. too bad. but personally I think 36 is still young enough to marry. =)
Reply:I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you are 36, unmarried, and childless.

You are definitely an old maid. No doubt. Just marry some guy you knew back in high school after you see him again at a high school reunion. That ALWAYS works.


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