Monday, May 17, 2010

FOR MOVIE BUFFS ONLY...whats the name of this old murder mystery movie???

okay so this movie is older and its a murder mystery. i watched it on tv once but i dont think its that famous. its about and old man who marries a young woman and then he dies. it has something to do with him worrying about her going off and being with a younger man and so he order to have his open casket kept in the living room. i dont remeber how the plot ends up going but i know the young wife dies after going off with a younger man like the dead guy planned on and the woman who was either the house maid or his sister i dont remember ends up in a cave with all his the money but the cave shuts and she has no way of getting out. i think there was soemthing about tapes that he left behind for them to follow. for some reason i d like to say the old (dead) mans name is eddie.

anyway i haven no idea if anyone would now what im talking about but i really want to watch it again i m a murder mystery buff and this was pretty good.

i would really appreiciate the help thanks.

FOR MOVIE BUFFS ONLY...whats the name of this old murder mystery movie???
You're thinking of the 1973 movie "Arnold", starring Stella Stevens, Roddy McDowall, Elsa "Bride of Frankenstein" Lancaster, pudgy Vincent Buono, Farley Granger, and Jamie Farr from "M*A*S*H".


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